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Knjige iz kategorije Tekstilne umetnine

Textile Artworks: Carpets & Rugs
Textile Artworks: Tapestries, Hangings & Quilts

Style Clinic: How to Look Fabulous All the Time, at Any Age, for Any Occasion


Cena: 29.78 EUR

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Genuine Authentic: The Real Life of Ralph Lauren


Cena: 21.37 EUR

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Iris Apfel: Accidental Icon


Cena: 29.38 EUR 25.71 EUR

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Handbags: Legendary Designs from Azzedine Alaia to Yves Saint Laurent


Cena: 111.08 EUR

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Color: A Workshop Approach


Cena: 145.22 EUR

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Cena: 254.59 EUR

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A Foreshadowing of 21st Century Art: The Color and Geometry of Very Early Turkish Carpets


Cena: 155.50 EUR

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Encyclopedia of World Dress and Fashion: Ten-Volume Set


Cena: 2513.66 EUR

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The Arts and Crafts of the Hunza Valley in Pakistan


Cena: 46.67 EUR

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Aspects: Fred Sandback's Sculpture


Cena: 54.86 EUR

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L'Ombrelle, Le Gant, Le Manchon (Classic Reprint)


Cena: 16.38 EUR

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Made in Mexico: Zapotec Weavers and the Global Ethnic Art Market


Cena: 35.86 EUR

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Bogolan: Shaping Culture through Cloth in Contemporary Mali


Cena: 32.83 EUR

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La Vie Privée d'Autrefois, Vol. 8: Arts Et Metiers, Modes, Moeurs, Usages Des Parisiens, Du XII Au XVIII Siecle, d'Apres Des Documents Originaux Ou Inedits; Le Cafe, Le The Et Le Chocolat (Classic Reprint)

Cena: 17.78 EUR

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Histoire Des Modes Fran?aises, Ou R?volutions Du Costume En France, Depuis L'?tablissement De La Monarchie Jusqu'? Nos Jours: Contenant Tout Ce Qui Concerne La Tete Des Francaises, Avec Des Recherches Sur l'Usage Des Chevelures Artificielles Chez Le

Cena: 19.46 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Fashion in Paris: The Various Phases of Feminine Taste and AEsthetics from the Revolution to the End of the Xixth Century (Classic Reprint)

Cena: 16.21 EUR

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Catalogue of Old and Modern Paintings, Water Colors and Drawings, Exclusively the Property of the Late Stanford White: To Be Sold at Mendelssohn Hall, on Thursday and Friday Evenings, April 11th and 12th (Classic Reprint)

Cena: 16.10 EUR

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Catalogue of Valuable Paintings: To Be Sold at Unrestricted Public Sale for Account of the Heirs of the Late Frederick C. Hewitt, Owego, and Wm. Francklyn Paris (to Liquidate Certain Joint Business Transactions Entered Into with the Late F. C. Hewitt), an

Cena: 16.38 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Illustrated Catalogue of an Important Collection of Valuable Paintings: By Masters of the Barbizon, Contemporaneous French, Early English, American and Ancient Dutch Schools and a Number of Italian Primitives, Forming the Private Collection of Mr. D. G. D

Cena: 16.10 EUR

Prikaži podrobnosti

Catalogue of Highly Important Pictures of the Early British School from Numerous Private Sources: Also Old Pictures and Pastels, the Property of the Late Lady Idorothy Nevill and Family Portraits and Works by Old Masters, the Property of Sir Thomas Charle

Cena: 16.10 EUR

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